

ナマステ♪みやまです。Hi there! This is Miya.

海の日の3連休、みなさんはどう過ごされましたか? How did you spend 3 days holiday?

私は家族で海⛱に行ってきました〜。(ベタですねw)I went to the sea with my family:)

さて、子どもたちは夏休みモード突入の中、夏のバナナかぞくの予定は… While school children are about to be in summer holidays, we are planning…

8月10日(水)はぼんおどり♪ Let’s dance Bon-dance on 10th Aug!




Actually, Miya loves Bon-dance. Have you heard about Bon-dance? It’s the particular dances Japanese people dance at the occasion of Obon in summer. Why don’t you try it once? Bon-dance is very easy. Once you remember some motions, all you should do is repeat dancing them!


  • とき 8月10日(水 すいよう)16:00〜17:00
  • ところ バナナかぞく
  • 参加費(さんかひ) 多文化(たぶんか)スペースの料金(りょうきん)のみ。(こども〜24歳:0円。25歳以上の大人:100円。1杯飲み物付き。)
  • 服(ふく)は普段着(ふだんぎ)でOKです。浴衣(ゆかた)や甚平(じんべい)ももちろん大歓迎(だいかんげい)♪
  • おどる曲(きょく)①炭坑節(たんこうぶし) ②東京(とうきょう)音頭(おんど)

Event information

[Timing] 10th August. Wednesday. 4pm to 5pm.

[Place] At Banana Kazoku.

[Fees] Fees for multi-cultural community space only.

  • Free for those who are under 25 years old
  • 100 yen a time for those who are above 24 years old. (With a cup of tea/coffee.)

[Dress code] None. Everyday clothes are just fine. If you have Yukata or Jinbei, that would be most welcome.

[Songs] Tankou-bushi and Tokyo-ondo for this time.


8月24日(水)は「インドのサリーを着てみませんか?」Let’s try on Indian Saree on 24th Aug!




This offers a cultural experience, easy wrapping of Indian traditional dress “Saree.”

A Saree is one long cloth which is about 4 meters long, which we are going to wrap on your own clothes.


  • とき 8月24日(水 すいよう)14:30〜17:30 ※1人あたり所要時間約1時間(30分おでかけタイムを含みます)
    • 1番目(ばんめ) 14:30〜15:30
    • 2番目(ばんめ) 15:30〜16:30
    • 3番目(ばんめ) 16:30〜17:30
  • ところ バナナかぞく
  • 参加費(さんかひ)500円
  • 予約(よやく)をお願(ねが)いします。こちらから。もしくはインスタでDMください。
    • ご希望(きぼう)の「時間(じかん)」「サリーの色(いろ)」を書(か)いてください。
  • 服装(ふくそう) ご自分(じぶん)の服(ふく)の上(うえ)にサリーを巻(ま)きます。
    • 上(うえ)はTシャツ・タンクトップなど。希望(きぼう)のサリーに合(あ)う色(いろ)がおすすめです。(※サリーブラウスがあるかたはそちらでもOK。)
    • 下(した)はウエストに余裕(よゆう)のあるスカート・ロングスカート。こちらはサリーに隠(かく)れます。ウエスト部分(ぶぶん)にサリーをたくしこみます。(※サリー用のペチコートがあるかたはそちらでもOK。)
    • 靴(くつ)はヒールの高(たか)いサンダルがおすすめです。

Event information

[Timing] 10th August. Wednesday. 2:30pm to 5:30pm.

  • 1st turn around 2:30pm to 3:30pm
  • 2nd turn around 3:30pm to 4:30pm
  • 3rd turn around 4:30pm to 5:30pm

[Place] At Banana Kazoku.

[Fees] 500yen

[Booking please] From here or write DM on Instagram. Tell your timing and the colour of the saree you wanna try.

[What to where before wrapping] Will wrap a saree on your own clothes.

  • Top: T-shirt or tank top will do. Colour should suit with the saree. If you have a saree blouse, please bring it.
  • Bottom: Loose one. Long skirt or pants. It won’t be visible because it comes to under the saree. Will put some parts of saree in skirt or pants. If you have a saree petticoat, please bring it.
  • Shoes: Sandals or slippers which has high heel are recommended.

サリーの色(いろ) Colours of the Sarees

3着(ちゃく)あります。3 sarees are available.

  1. サーモンピンク系(アクセント:ゴールド)Pink colour with golden line
  2. 白系(しろけい)(アクセント:みずいろ)White colour with sky blue line
  3. 紫系(むらさきけい)(アクセント:ゴールド)Purple colour with golden line


When you choose your top clothes, similar colours which is used in Saree are recommended.

サーモンピンク系 Pink one
白系。南インドのサリーです。 White one which is from South India.

サリーの着付けボランティアさんも募集します♪ Wanted Volunteers for draping Sarees




Of course Miya is also going to drape the sarees. But it would be lovely if somebody can help me, so more people can experience wearing a Saree.

This time, it is “easy wrapping” of a Saree, thus it is not authentic with proper saree blouse and petticoat. I hope volunteers would understand it. In case this event goes very well, there might be a little reward… hopefully.

8月31日はインド・ガネーシャのお祭り Indian Ganesh festival on 31st August!


Due to closing the place on 31st, this event will be rescheduled to 7th September, Wed.


  • とき 8月31日9月7日(水 すいよう)14:00〜18:00 いつでも
  • ところ バナナかぞく
  • 内容(ないよう) お祭(まつ)りのミニ展示(てんじ)&インドのおやつ&のみもの
  • 参加費(さんかひ) 200円 (※英会話もされる方は英会話料金+100円)

Event information

[Timing] 31st August.7th September. Wednesday. 2pm to 6pm, anytime you wanna visit the place.

[Place] At Banana Kazoku.

[What to do] Small exhibition of Indian festival Ganesh Chatruti & Indian snack & a cup of tea/coffee

[Fees] 200yen

ご質問・お問い合わせはお気軽に♪ Feel free for any inquiry or booking!

8月10日(水)のぼんおどりに参加(さんか)するのに予約(よやく)はいりません。おきがるにどうぞ(^^)♪ No need of booking for Bon-odori dance on 10th Aug.

8月24日(水)のサリーかんたん着付(きつ)けは予約(よやく)をおねがいします。Booking is needed for Saree wrapping on 24th Aug.

8月31日(水)のガネーシャのお祭(まつ)りに参加(さんか)するのに予約(よやく)はいりません。No need of booking for Ganesh festival on 31st August.


Feel free to message from here or write DM on Instagram.


Looking forward to seeing you at Banana Kazoku:)


  1. […] 今週(こんしゅう)水曜(すいよう)はインド・ガネーシャのお祭(まつ)りイベントですが、 […]
