バナナかぞくの外(そと)・中(なか)の様子(ようす) Outside and inside of Banana Kazoku





Hi there! This is Miya. International community space & English speaking club “Banana Kazoku” has just started on 8th June. Several people have visited the place, which I am grateful…:)


Now, I am showing you some photos of the building which Banana Kazoku is in and inside the room.

バナナかぞくに着(つ)くまで How to get Banana Kazoku

まず、地図(ちず)はこちらです。First of all, this is the map.

この建物(たてもの)です!This is the building!

エレベーターはないので、階段(かいだん)を17段(だん)上(あ)がって2階(かい)へ来(き)てください。There is no lift. Come to 2nd floor by steps.

これが入り口(いりぐち)です!ようこそ〜✨This is an entrance! Welcome to Banana Kazoku!

バナナかぞくの中(なか)Inside Banana Kazoku

中(なか)はこんな感(かん)じです。Inside is like this.

テーブルでお茶(ちゃ)を飲(の)んだり、おしゃべりしたり…。We can chit-chat and relax there over tea/coffee…

こっちのスペースに座(すわ)ってもOK。こどもはマットの上(うえ)でゆったり遊(あそ)べます。Even you can sit and relax on the mats. Children can play there.

本(ほん)・絵本(えほん)・トランプ・バックギャモンなどなど…。Books, picture books, cards and backgammon etc.

外国語(がいこくご)の絵本(えほん)やおもちゃがもっとほしいです。よかったら寄付(きふ)してください✨ We need more foreign picture books, toys and games. Please donate!

雑誌ビッグ・イシュー Japanese magazine “The Big Issue”

お茶とコーヒーは Tea and coffee…



Adults will get a cup of tea/coffee for free. For expecting mothers, there are also decaffeinated tea and coffee.

For children, there are a glass of water, decaffeinated tea and coffee if one can drink. A bit of sweets as well:)

Miya’s favourite is decaffeinated Earl Grey tea by Ahmad tea:)
Coffee packages from Sakura parthi in Matsudo:)

ふらっと訪れてみてくださいね Feel free to visit us:)

少(すこ)しは雰囲気(ふんいき)が感(かん)じられたでしょうか? I hope you could feel the atmosphere of the place.





I’d love to hear from you like ‘I want this book.’ ‘I wanna play this game.’ ‘I want this at Banana Kazoku.’ Let me know from this form. Hopefully I can get those for you…

では、水曜日にバナナかぞくでお会いできるのを楽しみにしていますね(^^)♪ I’m looking forward to seeing you at Banana Kazoku on Wednesday!
