バナナかぞく2023年の予定(よてい) Banana Kazoku plan for 2023


Happy new year! 🙂 みやまです。This is Miya.

ご挨拶(あいさつ)がちょっと遅(おそ)くなりましたが、今年(ことし)もブログ「インキョ人(じん)」と多文化(たぶんか)&英会話(えいかいわ)スペース「バナナかぞく」をどうぞよろしくお願(ねが)いします 😊

Though it’s belated greeting, please visit my blog and the international community space Banana Kazoku often this year as well:)

大切なお知らせ:2月末で一旦お休みを頂きます An important notice: Maternity leave from March

さて、今日はみなさんに大切(たいせつ)なお知(し)らせがあります。Today, I have an important announcement.





As Miya is going to deliver the 2nd baby at the end of March,

Banana Kazoku will be temporarily closed at the end of February.

I’m planning to take a maternity leave until around September, 2023.



After the leave, I wanna reopen Banana Kazoku maybe once/twice a month little by little. Place and timing could be changed.

もしみやまと一緒(いっしょ)にバナナかぞくをやってみたいな…という方(かた)がいましたら、お気軽(きがる)にご連絡(れんらく)くださいね☺️Let me know if you wanna do Banana Kazoku with Miya from this message form😉

1月の開催日・イベント Schedule in January

2月の開催日・イベント Schedule in February

今年の抱負 Miya’s new year’s resolution

突然(とつぜん)の宣言(せんげん)もありますが、みやまの2023年(ねん)の抱負(ほうふ)はこちらです😊 Though all of a sudden, these are my new year’s resolution 2023:)

  1. Kindleでインド本(ぼん)の出版(しゅっぱん)準備(じゅんび)!Preparing for publication of a book about India on Kindle
  2. 親子(おやこ)で産休(さんきゅう)・育休(いくきゅう)期間(きかん)を健康(けんこう)に楽(たの)しむ♪ Will enjoy the maternity leave with all family members
  3. 2023年(ねん)秋(あき)に何(なに)かしらの形(かたち)でバナナかぞくを再開(さいかい)✨ Will reopen Banana Kazoku around the autumn, 2023 in possible way


Actually I have a few more things which I’m planning to… Will let you know one day;)


Looking forward to see you on blog or at Banana Kazoku!

Thank you:)
